



I am calling a fortran subroutine from C#. One of the parameter I have to pass in is character .i.e, in fortran that parameter is declared as

character, intent(in)  ::  bmat*1

The issue now is, in C# code, what should I marshaled it as? I know that for integer, I should marshal it as [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)], but what about character?

Edit: This is my fortran code:

  subroutine chartest(bmat)
    !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS:'chartest'::chartest
    character, intent(in)  ::  bmat*1
    if(bmat .eq. 'G')then
        print *, bmat
        print *, ' no result '

And this is my interop code:

    public static extern void chartest( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] char bmat);

This is how I call the routine:

    char bmat = 'G';

The result I got was "no result", indicating that the if is not fulfilled.

+2  A: 

The character type in FORTRAN is an unsigned 8 bit quantity.


Will work.

The non-standard FORTRAN byte type is signed. it would be UnmanagedType.I1

Edit: C# char type is a Unicode (16 bit) type. The C# byte type is the one that matches the FORTRAN character type.

public static extern void chartest( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] byte bmat);

Also, if I remember correctly all FORTRAN function arguments are passed by reference, so you may need this instead.

public static extern void chartest( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] ref byte bmat);

And I think that [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] is redundant for byte.

John Knoeller
Thanks, I did as you told. But when I check the `bmat` inside my fortran program using the `if` statment (`if(bmat .eq. 'G')`), it returned a false. Anything I did wrong?
Ngu Soon Hui
We would need to see more code, including the C# code.
John Knoeller
And, if I do `print *, bmat`, I'll get back `G`. That's really weird.
Ngu Soon Hui
@John, question updated
Ngu Soon Hui