I got an out put on my Windows command line when I execute the following .bat file
and here's the out put that I'm getting on my command line
Drive already SUBSTed
Starting Cassandra Server
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8888
INFO - Sampling index for E:\myfirstapp\cassandra\data\system\LocationInfo-1-Dat
INFO - Replaying E:\myfirstapp\cassandra\commitlog\CommitLog-1267714669843.log
INFO - LocationInfo has reached its threshold; switching in a fresh Memtable
INFO - Enqueuing flush of Memtable(LocationInfo)@19173163
INFO - Sorting Memtable(LocationInfo)@19173163
INFO - Writing Memtable(LocationInfo)@19173163
INFO - Completed flushing E:\myfirstapp\cassandra\data\system\LocationInfo-2-Dat
INFO - Log replay complete
INFO - Saved Token found: 68001116758853706850435234194693732005
INFO - Starting up server gossip
after this nothing happens it just bleeping, I want to know what's the reason for this issue and how to go through it My system is Windows XP, Java 6