



I'm making a security permission system for a Dynamic Data site based on the article Securing Dynamic Data Preview 4 Refresh. The system contains an additional permission kind: "deny an operation for a record/field if a record is not owned by an user".

If an user can read only own objects, we need to have an always enabled filter in List and check permissions in Details. If an user can write only own objects, we need to check permissions in Edit and Delete, remove "Edit/Delete" links from some rows in List, make "User" field readonly and provide its value in Insert. I didn't think about column-level permissions of this kind yet.

So, the main problem, as I see at this moment: too many places to place the same checks (I didn't even think of malicious user crafting POST data). Also I couldn't make make a field in Insert at the same readonly and having a value which is displayed and saved to DB (I don't want to place that in the model partial classes because I think that there are already too many places that need to be edited to implement this functionality).

  1. Is there a single place to deny a read or write operation with an object depending on the object value?
  2. How can I provide a default value to the field, so that it will be shown on the Insert page, inserted to the DB and couldn't be changed by the user before inserting?