




I have a select query that joins 3 tables to display information. If I want to update a field is do

<Set fields Values>

I get the following error howwever 'Insufficient key column information for updating or refresing' and I'm not sure how to proceed.

Thank you.



There is detailed information on this error, the causes and possible solutions on this excellent site.

"This excellent site" with nothing but a tinyurl link is a lousy answer. You didn't indicate what the site was at all; for all I know it could be a NSFW kiddie porn site. Bad, Deltics! Bad! Seriously, a link with absolutely no other information (including where the link points) is a terrible answer.
Ken White
The description was entirely accurate - the site contains detailed information, describes the cause and provides possible solutions. If it HAD pointed to any form of NSFW site then by all means downvote, but the link did "exactly what it said on the tin" and made a valid point in the process. Someone with my level of SO rep is unlikely to post a disreputable link (otherwise they wouldn't have earned that level of rep in the first place). As in journalism, consider the source. Or are we aiming to replace the internet entirely with SO content?
Deltics. Thank you for the pointer to that site. In the end it could not help me and I split the query up into three. Seems to work ok now. We are using old FoxPro tables with no primary keys. Soons to be replaced by Firebird tables. Regards, Pieter.
Pieter van Wyk
So it did help you... presumably by providing the information about that error that led you to realise that what you were trying to do was not possible thru a joined data set. Glad to have been of service. :)