I would suggest (if possible) getting the centre point of the postcode and then applying the Haversine formula to find all stores within a certain radius.
The formula here is in kilometres.
You will have to change the relevant numbers and it will work for miles.
Eg: Convert 6371.392896 to miles.
DECLARE @long2Compare AS FLOAT
SET @radiusInKm = 5.000
SET @lat2Compare = insert_your_lat_to_compare_here
SET @long2Compare = insert_you_long_to_compare_here
SELECT * FROM insert_your_table_here WITH(NOLOCK)
WHERE (6371.392896*2*ATN2(SQRT((sin((radians(GeoLatitude - @lat2Compare)) / 2) * sin((radians(GeoLatitude - @lat2Compare)) / 2)) + (cos(radians(GeoLatitude)) * cos(radians(@lat2Compare)) * sin(radians(GeoLongitude - @long2Compare)/2) * sin(radians(GeoLongitude - @long2Compare)/2)))
, SQRT(1-((sin((radians(GeoLatitude - @lat2Compare)) / 2) * sin((radians(GeoLatitude - @lat2Compare)) / 2)) + (cos(radians(GeoLatitude)) * cos(radians(@lat2Compare)) * sin(radians(GeoLongitude - @long2Compare)/2) * sin(radians(GeoLongitude - @long2Compare)/2)))
))) <= @radiusInKm
if you would like to perform the Haversine formula in C#,
double resultDistance = 0.0;
double avgRadiusOfEarth = 6371.392896; //Radius of the earth differ, I'm taking the average.
//Haversine formula
//distance = R * 2 * aTan2 ( square root of A, square root of 1 - A )
// where A = sinus squared (difference in latitude / 2) + (cosine of latitude 1 * cosine of latitude 2 * sinus squared (difference in longitude / 2))
// and R = the circumference of the earth
double differenceInLat = DegreeToRadian(currentLatitude - latitudeToCompare);
double differenceInLong = DegreeToRadian(currentLongitude - longtitudeToCompare);
double aInnerFormula = Math.Cos(DegreeToRadian(currentLatitude)) * Math.Cos(DegreeToRadian(latitudeToCompare)) * Math.Sin(differenceInLong / 2) * Math.Sin(differenceInLong / 2);
double aFormula = (Math.Sin((differenceInLat) / 2) * Math.Sin((differenceInLat) / 2)) + (aInnerFormula);
resultDistance = avgRadiusOfEarth * 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(aFormula), Math.Sqrt(1 - aFormula));
DegreesToRadian is a function I custom created.
It is a simple 1 liner of "Math.PI * angle / 180.0"
For LINQ, you can use the C# math functions as well as all C# checks. Eg: != equals not equal, etc.
See the following as an example.
It is not complete, so kindly tweak it to your liking.
var linqQuery = from linqCollection in
where s_lat != nothing
select Math.ACos(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadian(sentlng)
* Math.Pi / 180))
Look up the MSDN link below for all simple LINQ example. Have a play around with it, hope this helps
My blog entry - SQL Haversine
MSDN - 101 LINQ Samples