You have two solutions :
- You can either not use the first line of your
- I suppose you are reading it line by line...
- I so, just don't use the first line (you can use a variable as a counter to know if you are on the first line or not)
- Or you could test if the current line contains only integers/numbers before inserting the data to the database.
Here is a portion of code that could serve as a starting point, if you choose the second solution :
if (in_numeric($data[0]) && is_numeric($data[1]) && is_numeric($data[2])) {
VALUES ('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]')";
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql_qry);
Also, note that you are using prepare
and execute
, which seem to indicate you are trying to use prepared statements.
When using prepared statements, you should not do like you are doing ; you should :
- One and only one time : prepare the statement, using placeholders for the data
- For each line, bind the values
- and execute the statement
You should not :
- Prepare the statement for each line
- Inject your data into the SQL query, instead of using placeholders.
Which means your code should look a bit like this (not tested, so you might have to change a few things) :
// First, prepare the statement, using placeholders
VALUES (:party_id, :party_code, :connection_id)";
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
if (in_numeric($data[0]) && is_numeric($data[1]) && is_numeric($data[2])) {
// Then, for each line : bind the parameters
$stmt->bindValue(':party_id', $data[0], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':party_code', $data[1], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':connection_id', $data[2], PDO::PARAM_INT);
// And execute the statement