how to move circle with mouse in delphi? circle:Shape;
Well, I don't have too much to go on, but having something move to follow the mouse generally works like this:
Have a "IsFollowingMouse" flag somewhere. Turn it on when you should be following the mouse. On the form's MouseMove event, do something like this:
procedure TMyForm.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer);
if FIsFollowingMouse then
myCircle.left := x + fShapeOffsetX; := y + fShapeOffsetY;
The offsets are variables you use that gives the difference between the location of the mouse pointer and the top-left corner of the TShape.
Be sure to convert the Mouse X,Y client coordinates that you get from MouseMove on your Control to the Parent's client using ClientToScreen
and ScreenToClient
The following procedure moves the center of a Control to the point (X,Y) in it's client coordinates:
procedure MoveControl(AControl: TControl; const X, Y: Integer);
lPoint: TPoint;
lPoint := AControl.Parent.ScreenToClient(AControl.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)));
AControl.Left := lPoint.X - AControl.Width div 2;
AControl.Top := lPoint.Y - AControl.Height div 2;
Now to move your TShape when when it is clicked, you have to provide the following MouseMove event handler:
procedure TForm1.ShapeToMoveMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if ssLeft in Shift then // only move it when Left-click is down
MoveControl(Sender as TControl, X, Y);
And to test it, drop a button in your Form with this code:
procedure TForm1.ButtonTestClick(Sender: TObject);
with TShape.Create(nil) do
Name := Format('ShapeToMove%d',[Self.ControlCount + 1]);
Parent := Self; // Parent will free it
Shape := stCircle;
Width := 65;
Height := 65;
OnMouseMove := ShapeToMoveMouseMove;
Now, that's a minimalist example, but it should get you started.
For fun, just hook other controls with this MouseMove event handler... :-)
If you go to my webpage, you can Find some samples (all with code included) thah can help you about this question.
"Sample for visual work with figures and plans"; Use two components for manage, move, resize and save elements visually; One for selection, movement, resize,... (TSeleccOnRuntime) and other (TSaveComps) for save the state (position, size,...).
Select Shapes Visually; Sample for explain two modes for select visually shapes and images.
Create, move and resive controls on Runtime (like IDE); Another sample of TSeleccOnRuntime component. Simulate and IDE.
And finally another sample for Create/destroy components in runtime and move with mouse; This sample is made without components. All code at the sample.
I hope that is usefull for you.
P.D: Excuse for my bad english.
There are several good answers here.
If you decide to code your own, I found this to be a good starting point.