For sure you have already solved this issue, but let me put here an additional information so others that have this same problem, like me, can solve it by following this how to that Tom Willwerth post.
To solve this issue of SMTP relay just follow the steps above, but be sure to do an additional step, that can be called:
4-a) On Access tab, choose Relay and select "All except the below" on Select which computer may relay through this virtual server:
This will allow all connections to send through this smtp, but be aware that the smtp server will relay anyone who connects to it. If you want to restrict this relay, than you choose "Only the list below" and add the machine you want to relay on.
For more detailed information on this, you can see the source where i found this information on:
And another thing, the step 8) isn't necessary .
Hope it can be helpful to others and thank you for the information, it helps and now i think one can solve this issue just by following this steps on this link.
Ps: sorry for the mistakes