



I've got a Visual Studio solution containing a couple of console app projects, and used the solution property pages to launch both of them when debugging. For some reason, this setting isn't saved in source control so when I check out the solution on a different computer it has to be set up over again.

Where is this info stored and how can I add it to version control?

+2  A: 

I believe it is in the Visual Studio User Solution User Options file *.suo. This file is hidden by default. Most source control providers ignore this file by default because it stores location specific paths.

Dustin Laine
What else is stored in *.suo? Why isn't it normally added to version control?
Because (1) it is specific to you, and (2) it changes all the time.
Mitch Wheat
Check my update, here is another SO post on it.
Dustin Laine
I have to admit, that it does seem like startup projects would be in the solution file...
Mitch Wheat
Ah hmm..maybe I will just make one project launch the other and vice versa :) its mostly a demo anyway
I could see both angles, but working in large teams I understand where this would be problematic.
Dustin Laine