I'm trying to animate a dot from one point to another on a map. Right now I have the following code:
function animate(){
var pt = oldLoc;
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
pt.y += 5
pt.x += 5
graphic.setGeometry(pt); //sets the new point coordinates
graphic.show(); //redraws the display
dojo.byId("info").innerHTML += "testingcheck"; //print check
When I run the code right now, the dot does move, but it "jumps" from the beginning location to the final location. It seems like the show() doesn't execute until the entire loop has been run through.
I know I need something that looks like setTimeOut(animate(), 20), but I don't know how to incorporate it into my code (do I make a new function?) and how to specify when to stop the animation. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!