I have a problem with a Dev Express component, namely AspxComboBox.
My context is this: I want to dynamically generate the interface for some of my business entities. I have designed a user-control that receives some metadata and, based on that metadata, the controls adds text boxes, date-editors and combo boxes to the interface. All of those controls work like a charm when they are added to the page in a non-dynamic manner. However, when I add them from the C# code, the following Javascript line has an error:
document.getElementById("usercontrol_combo_I").setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
"usercontrol" is the ID of the user control I'm designing. "combo" is the ID of the combo.
The error is that the element with the ID ("usercontrol_combo_I") is not to be found in the HTML DOM.
I've discovered that if I choose not to use DataBind on the combo itself (comment out any call to the DataBind() method of the AspxComboBox instance), the JS line that has the error is never rendered (is not present in the final HTML). But, if I leave it like that, any subsequent PostBacks empties the combo list (there are no more items in the combo). The datasource of the combo is a IList instance that is assigned on every page load (even if PostBack == true).
There is a post on DevExpress's support forum that reports the same problem, but, there is no answer from the team.
Anybody here had this problem and found a way to solve it?