



Is there a way I can get the selected element's parent using only jQuery's/sizzle's CSS selectors?

I need to be able to get an element's parent while using jQuery, but I'm unable use jQuery('#myelement').parent() since I'm receiving the selector as a string and the "user" needs to be able to move back up the tree.

I can't see anything in the docs, so I'm wondering whether it's undocumented or if there's a hack I can use?


jQuery(jQuery('#myelement').parent()) is getting the object without the additional function.

Ok, end of jokes ;)

I'm guessing that You need the parent selected for the live function and that is why You can't get it this way.


It's the way You do it to make it work. If the parent element has no id You can use more complicated tricks

    //newline for reading comfort. skip it. --v

You can use id or title or class, depends on what is already on the page

And if You really need it to be found by just css selector - as far as I know this is impossible with css selectors by design

It *really* needs to be done via a CSS selector as the selector is being passed in as a string. Its rather annoying that CSS can't traverse back up the tree like XPath can. :(
+2  A: 

Such selector doesn't exists, nor in CSS neither in jQuery/Sizzle.

You can change the source code?

If yes, it is possible to add custom pseudo-selector:

jQuery.expr[":"].getParent = function (node, index, prop, nodes) {
    return jQuery(node).parent(); 

Use example (Note that parent already exists, so I've used getParent instead):


Since CSS can't traverse back up the tree like XPath can, I'm doing a bit of munging and checking for the character < in the string, splitting on that and calling .parent() manually. Its not optimal but it's working.
