



I am trying to display search results in the windows 7 explorer thru the federated search feature, from a local .net assembly. (not from a web service)

I have found various tutorials, but all of them are for web services. Earlier I thought that it was not possible but then, I came across the StickyNotes federated search connector. The contents of the .OSDX file are:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<searchConnectorDescription xmlns=""&gt;
  <description>Create short handwritten or text notes.</description>

This means that it is possible to forward a search query to a local datastore/dll/exe

I would like to use my .net app to provide search results in the same/similar way. Where do I start?

See: Windows 7 Federated Search Provider Implementer’s Guide

My aim is to make a documents library database (sqlite) searchable via the windows explorer and list the files and their meta data from the DB in explorer (files are stored locally).