




The problem below is ralated to my previous question


My first step was to develop a dll, that was done. (Thanks John Knoeller prakash. Your input was very helpful)

Now when i call the function in the dll from my c# application i get the error

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

Here is the C++ definition

 extern "C" DEMO2_API void Decompress(char* inp_buff, unsigned short* 
 inp_len, char* buffer_decomp,unsigned *output_len,unsigned short* errorCode);

My C# Converstion p/Involke

   private static extern void Decompress(
        byte[] inp_buff,
        ref ushort inp_len,
        byte[] buffer_decomp,
        ref int output_len,
        ref ushort errorCode

And I am calling it as below

    byte[] dst = new byte[2048];
    int outlen = 2048;
    ushort errorCode = 0;
    Decompress(src, (ushort )src.Length, dst, ref outlen,ref errorCode);
    return dst;

What is wrong?


I see a signature mismatch on the inp_len parameter. In the C++ definition you use a pointer to a short unsigned int, while in the C# method you use a ushort.

Maurits Rijk
I have edited it.

for pointers you must use IntPtr .net type



It is not necessary that we use IntPtr for pointers.

Look below all of these four declarations are valid and currently i am using it.

public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, String lParam);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, StringBuilder lParam);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, String lParam);

question is still open


In addition to the missing "ref" on the inp_len declaration that Maurits pointed out, you need to make sure that your pointer sizes match.

If you're running on a 32-bit operating system you should be OK, but if your code runs on 64-bit too, then you need to ensure that either:

  • You mark your .net entry assembly as x86 (not Any CPU)
  • or
  • You supply a 32-bit and 64-bit build of the C++ dll and install the correct one for the interop to call.
I understand. But i am running Win Xp Professional 32 bit and i have tried with IntPtr. Still getting same error..
Just to be sure, have you changed the signature to read "ref ushort inp_len"?

I have had the same problem two years ago. In my case the reason for the access violation was that the memory was allocated outside the DLL. As a solution I added two functions for memory allocation and deallocation to the DLL.

Another solution could be a change of the .net security settings. Some keywords are "Code Access Security Police Tool" (caspol.exe) and ".NET Framework Configuration Tool" (mscorcfg.msc). In VS there is also a security tab in the project property dialog. I'm not an expert in .net security so someone else should know more details.

Interesting.. I don't want to deal with .Net security.Can you please provide your solution for tha same.
Here are two links that may help you: http://ask.metafilter.com/79680/Calling-unmanaged-DLL-functions-from-C and http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharplanguage/thread/6e843243-baf4-4eb1-8a20-c691ad47762c
@alexj, it seems to be the reason behind this. But unfortunatlly, i could not understant what are they doing and how can i implement it in my own function. I appreaciate if you please describe a bit. Thanks..

The following code runs without any problems. It's very similar to yours:


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void TestFunction(char* inp_buff,
               unsigned short* inp_len,
               char* buffer_decomp,
               unsigned *output_len,
               unsigned short* errorCode)
    //copy input buffer to output buffer
    int size = min(*inp_len,*output_len);
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        buffer_decomp[i] = inp_buff[i];

    errorCode = 0;


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    public static extern void TestFunction(byte[] inp_buff,
                                           ref ushort inp_len,
                                           byte[] out_buff,
                                           ref int out_len,
                                           ref ushort errorCode);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        //prepare input buffer
        byte[] inp_buff = new byte[20];
        inp_buff[0] = (byte)'T';
        inp_buff[1] = (byte)'E';
        inp_buff[2] = (byte)'S';
        inp_buff[3] = (byte)'T';
        ushort inp_len = (ushort)inp_buff.Length;

        //prepare output buffer
        byte[] out_buff = new byte[20];
        int out_len = out_buff.Length;

        ushort errorCode = 0;
        TestFunction(inp_buff, ref inp_len, out_buff, ref out_len, ref errorCode);

        //see if copying was successful
        for(int i=0; i<out_len; i++)

Try it out. I have taken a look at the open parts of the library you are using. Here is a direct excerpt of the function lzo_decomp:

   in = lzo_malloc(IN_LEN);
      out = lzo_malloc(OUT_LEN);
   wrkmem = lzo_malloc(LZO1Z_999_MEM_COMPRESS);
   if (in == NULL || out == NULL || wrkmem == NULL)    

     printf("out of memory\n");


   in_len = IN_LEN;
   lzo_memset(in,0,in_len );
   lzo_memset ( out, 0, OUT_LEN );  

   memcpy ( out, &input_buffer, inp_buff_len);


r = lzo1z_decompress(out,*inp_len,in,&out_len,NULL );

For serenity: "in" and "out" are not the function arguments for the input and output buffers but temporary pointers. What can you see (beside from bad formatted code)? The only two buffers lzo1z_decompress is called with are "in" and "out". And these two buffers are freed before the call. I'm not surprised that there is an access violation. I only can underline nobugz's advice: Contact the author.


The 4th parameter need to be passed using out mode instead of ref. That solved the problem.
