I'm debating with myself about the best practice approach to controlling an Aggreate View Model class that I've created for my app... Let's say I have an aggregate model that has a PurchaseOrder object and a list of line items that belong to that Purchase Order, and a few other auxuliary/related objects. This view model is just a wrapper around all these objects that you would typcially need when working on any give PurchaseOrder.
After after creating an instance of this view model, I then want it to load up a PurchaseOrder (and it will load the PurchaseOrderLineItems automatically and saturate all the other related objects)...
So, to instruct the view model to load up a PurchaseOrder, is it more acceptable to:
Instruct the view model by setting a property on it (and let the property setter of the view model class respond by loading up the data)
ViewModel.PoNo = 1234;
Call a method on the view model to do the work:
Just to give a few mode detials about the Aggregate View Model, it basically looks like this:
public class ViewModel
//-- private fields
PurchaseOrder _Po = new PurcaseOrder();
List<PurchaseOrderItem> _PoLineItems;
Vendor _Vend = new Vendor();
int _PoNo;
//-- public properties here
ViewModel(){} // Constructor