



I have an ARM device (network storage) with debian installed. I can pull out drive and dump fs image (using dd). The OS there is debian, I use ubuntu.

What do I need to install (software) to be able to cross-compile?

I can mount image and modify its content. How can I emulate that device to test cross-compiled executables?

UPDATE: I don't mean any assembler programming, what I want is compile some usual debian daemons (web-server + scripts) and deploy after check.

+1  A: 

check this out:

they have cross toolchains for linux and cygwin.

There are Arm emulators out there, but if you are trying to emulate the entire board, that may be a diffrent story..

I have had the best luck by using a development pc with cross toolchain to develop and compile, and then nfs mounting my development directory on the Single board computer.

Brian Bay
+1  A: 

code sourcery or emdebian if that doesnt work.
