



Suppose having this kind of CLR-objects:

public class Foo
    public Bar { get; private set; }

public class Bar: INotifyPropertyChanged
    public string Baz { get {...} set {...} }

Now I have a Window, with the DataContext bound to an instance of Foo. Within this Window I do:

<TextBox Text={Binding Bar.Baz} />

Because Foo doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged, I'll get a well known WPF memory leak here. There are two solutions:

  1. Implement INotifyPropertyChange on
  2. Foo Use a OneTime binding

I don't like 1), so let's say, we want to use a OneTime binding. But I only need the OneTime binding for accessing Bar while I need TwoWay binding for Baz:

<TextBox DataContext="{Binding Bar, Mode=OneTime}" Text={Binding Baz, Mode=TwoWay} />

So far so good, but if some other property from TextBox now needs to be bound to a property of Foo, things get complicated, because the DataContext isn't the Foo instance anymore.

So here's the question: Is there a way to specify a Bindig (in XAML or Code) that binds OneTime to a parent property and TwoWay to a child property?


Short answer- in XAML, probably not (without writing your own mark-up extension, at least), in code, sure, but it's not going to be of any use to you. Because your objects are not visually related (a Foo has a Bar but there is no way of knowing this in XAML), you would essentially just be hard-coding the binding, similar to how you are doing it now in the XAML.

Why are you opposed to implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on Foo?

It just dosn't feel right to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and never use it. There's probably no easy way to avoid this, but it's ugly. But that's WPF - you must love it, but sometimes you will hate it :-)
Mario W.