Is it correct that Rhino Mocks stubs and mocks are only good for interfaces, not concrete classes? I spent quite a time trying to make this piece of code working. What I did not expected is that stabbed pubSubClient will always call Send method from the class. That method has some dependencies and throws exception.
public void Test01()
PubSubMessage psm = new PubSubMessage();
var pubSubClient = MockRepository.GenerateStub<PubSubClient>();
pubSubClient.Stub(x => x.Send(psm)).IgnoreArguments().Return(null);
// actual PubSubClient Send method throws exception
// the rest of the test is skipped...
However, when I have extracted the interface and run the same test with IPubSubClient, it seems to be working as expected.
Does it mean that I have to extract the interface for every class I want to mock/stub with Rhino? Or I am missing something, technically or conceptually?
UPDATE: OK, It seems I figured out what part I was missing: Rhino Mocks cannot intercept calls to non-virtual methods. So, I guess I have either use interfaces or make every method on the concrete class virtual. Please correct me if there's another option.