



I am trying to setup a test page that will display an XML Post from a gateway but can not find any examples of how to do this. Every example I have seen has been posting information FROM a page or reading an XML FILE but nothing relating to dispalying a (I think its called) xml stream that is posted to a page?

The idea is this: User submits a form. Form is posted to gateway. Gateway responds with success/failure and error messages (in the form of xml) to my dev page. Dev page displays the XML.

Anyone have any suggestions?


if it's for development purpose, you could use the firebug plug-in for Firefox instead of having the "Dev page displays the XML"

It would need to be a page that displays the results since the gateway will repond with an xml post with the details of errors and such that the developer will need to look at.I am going to be testing with the following code. It should work from what I can tell but since it takes an hour or two to get a response some the people running the test its hard to tell:
[code] Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' create xmldocument instance Dim myXmlDoc As New XmlDocument() myXmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True ' load xml via stream, rather than file, by using Request.InputStream myXmlDoc.Load(Request.InputStream) 'Write the XML onto the browser 'Response.Write("do it!") Response.Write(myXmlDoc.InnerXml) End Sub[/code]
When you say: "It should work from what I can tell but since it takes an hour or two to get a response some the people running the test its hard to tell". I don't understand, why can't you just post to the page yourself to test it??