



I've just inherited an app that utilizes usercontrols in a couple ways which I'm not too familiar with. The problem I have right now is that when I attempt to publish this code base, I get a few errors which boil down to where some referenced usercontrols are not defined. Here's an example of one line:

Private clientControl As New ASP.usercontrols_clientcontrol_ascx

This is a tab strip usercontrol which references other usercontrols to dynamically create the tabs. Now, on the surface I get what is going on here...but the compiler is not accepting this. This tab strip usercontrol is in the root of the project, and the other usercontrols are in a sub folder.

error BC30002: Type 'ASP.usercontrols_clientcontrol_ascx' is not defined.

I'm sure this is 101 stuff here, but the build works and the publish fails. Any direction would be appreciated.


If you remove the x:name element in the original XAML does it work?

Dimestore Cowboy