



Hello, I want to cach input, which seems to be like SQL injection. I know now, that Reg-ex usage for finding SQL-injections is not a best way, but i simply need to do some researcha about it and I'm asking for help to fix some errors. So I wrote the method:

public static bool IsInjection(string inputText)

    bool isInj = false;

    string regexForTypicalInj = @"/\w*((\%27)|(\'))((\%6F)|o|(\%4F))((\%72)|r|(\%52))/ix";
    Regex reT = new Regex(regexForTypicalInj);
    if (reT.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForUnion = @"/((\%27)|(\'))union/ix";
    Regex reUn = new Regex(regexForUnion);
    if (reUn.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForSelect = @"/((\%27)|(\'))select/ix";
    Regex reS = new Regex(regexForSelect);
    if (reS.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForInsert = @"/((\%27)|(\'))insert/ix";
    Regex reI = new Regex(regexForInsert);
    if (reI.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForUpdate = @"/((\%27)|(\'))update/ix";
    Regex reU = new Regex(regexForUpdate);
    if (reU.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForDelete = @"/((\%27)|(\'))delete/ix";
    Regex reDel = new Regex(regexForDelete);
    if (reDel.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForDrop = @"/((\%27)|(\'))drop/ix";
    Regex reDr = new Regex(regexForDrop);
    if (reDr.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForAlter = @"/((\%27)|(\'))alter/ix";
    Regex reA = new Regex(regexForAlter);
    if (reA.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    string regexForCreate = @"/((\%27)|(\'))create/ix";
    Regex reC = new Regex(regexForCreate);
    if (reC.IsMatch(inputText))
        isInj = true;

    return isInj;


"inputText" - here comes tring type text from some textBoxes. But seems I have done some mistakes, becouse my code do not detects simple sql- injections. What i do wrong? I guess theres something wrong in defining Regex expressions or something with comparing two values. Please help me just to fix some of these Reg-ex'es to get work. Thanks


I am not sure what you were trying to match that wasn't working but here are a few suggestions for your queries.

Your first expression,

string regexForTypicalInj = @"/\w*((\%27)|(\'))((\%6F)|o|(\%4F))((\%72)|r|(\%52))/ix";

seems to be intended to catch a single quote followed by "or". I would make sure to handle the case when there is space after the single quote and before the "or". Also, you shouldn't need to escape the % or ' characters. With those changes it becomes,

string regexForTypicalInj = @"/\w*((%27)|')\s*(o|(%6F)|(%4F))(r|(%72)|(%52))/ix";

The rest of the expressions, I would add the space allowance and also include the url-encoded characters as well. Doing that they become,

string regexForUnion = @"/((%27)|')\s*(u|%75|%55)(n|%6E|%4E)(i|%69|%49)(o|%6F|%4F)(n|%6E|%4E)/ix";
string regexForSelect = @"/((%27)|')\s*(s|%73|%53)(e|%65|%45)(l|%6C|%4C)(e|%65|%45)(c|%63|%43)(t|%74|%54)/ix";
string regexForInsert = @"/((%27)|')\s*(i|%69|%49)(n|%6E|%4E)(s|%73|%53)(e|%65|%45)(r|%72|%52)(t|%74|%54)/ix";
string regexForUpdate = @"/((%27)|')\s*(u|%75|%55)(p|%70|%50)(d|%64|%44)(a|%61|%41)(t|%74|%54)(e|%65|%45)/ix";
string regexForDelete = @"/((%27)|')\s*(d|%64|%44)(e|%65|%45)(l|%6C|%4C)(e|%65|%45)(t|%74|%54)(e|%65|%45)/ix";
string regexForDrop = @"/((%27)|')\s*(d|%64|%44)(r|%72|%52)(o|%6F|%4F)(p|%70|%50)/ix";
string regexForAlter = @"/((%27)|')\s*(a|%61|%41)(l|%6C|%4C)(t|%74|%54)(e|%65|%45)(r|%72|%52)/ix";
string regexForCreate = @"/((%27)|')\s*(c|%63|%43)(r|%72|%52)(e|%65|%45)(a|%61|%41)(t|%74|%54)(e|%65|%45)/ix";

One other suggestion for the code in general: For each if statement I would suggest replacing isInj = true; with return true; so that you don't waste time doing unnecessary comparisons. In reality it probably won't make any performance difference but it could if you were calling that function really often.

Your answer ir near the true. Seems my sql differs and regex class to. So i modified it to work, like this:string regexForUnion = @"^(\-\-)\s*(u|%75|%55)(n|%6E|%4E)(i|%69|%49)(o|%6F|%4F)(n|%6E|%4E)$";