



i want to use facebook's fb:dialog tag to display a simple pop-up form for the user to fill in. but i want to show that dialog using javascript (in the ondone handler of an ajax request).

is this possible? i took a stab in the dark and tried document.getElementById('dialog_id').show() but show() is not a method.

alternatively there is the FBJS Dialog class but as far as i can tell you can only use it to create simple alert/confirm style dialogs. if someone knows of a way to put arbitrary content in them then that may also solve my problem.

+1  A: 

You can put arbritrary content inside of an FBJS dialog box.

First, store some arbitrary fbml in an fb:js-string tag:

<fb:js-string var="whatever">
<!-- HTML/fbml here -->

then in fbjs do:

(new Dialog()).showMessage('title',whatever); 
Mike Sherov
thanks! (i had just found the answer in fb's dev wiki and was just posting my own response).

figured it out.

buried in is the answer.

basically you create a <fb:js-string> element with your form contents and then specify that string as the contents of the Dialog with the showChoice() method.

here is the relevant example:

<a href="#" id="dialog_body" onclick="var dialog = new Dialog().showChoice('Important Dialog', dialog_color, 'Okay', 'Nevermind');
dialog.onconfirm = function() {
  var color = document.getElementById('dialog_color_select').getValue();
  document.getElementById('dialog_body').setStyle({background: color});
return false;">
A dialog that changes your colors...</a><br />

<fb:js-string var="dialog_color">
<b>What color would you like this set to be?</b><br />
<select id="dialog_color_select">
<option value="transparent">Default</option>
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="yellow">Yellow</option>

I am trying to do something similar, but within the dialogue I want to show show what was essentially another dialog...

So I setup

Become a fan!
Click the Like button below to become a fan of XXXXXX!


And then when I call

function onBecomeAFanPressed() { (new Dialog()).showMessage('Become A Fan',fandialog); }

I see the dialogue, but no contents.....

What am I missing?



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