I want to detect when a file date changes and update a DevX TdxMemData which is used as a Tdatasource which then would be seen in a TDBGrid that uses it.
I've found some code that uses ReadDirectoryChangesW, but seems rather complex for my simple needs.
I'm considering using a TTimer and firing it off every five seconds. (That's fine enough accuracy for me.)
Are there any caveats in doing this? I've read that Threads have all sorts of restrictions on VCL access, etc. Does the same thing apply to TTimer events?
Is there anything I need to watch out for when calling FileAge and updating a DevEx TdxMemData object while in a Timer event? Will those updates be seen by my main app?
Is there a way to detect the "state" of my program when a Timer event gets control so I can avoid problems?
Or am I opening an enormous can of worms in thinking about using a TTimer for this?