




So a couple days ago I created some simple unit tests on my GWT app (in eclipse, using JUnit). They ran fine, now when I try them again after adding lots of crap to my app, they still finish fine, they just take longer and pour out a fair bit of console spam, starting with CSS errors:

[WARN] CSS error: null [485:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <big list of stuff>.

[WARN] CSS error: null [485:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".

Then it continues with a good 4 of these per test run: [WARN] Unable to parse date: -1

This is a semester project for school so its not very fancy. The only CSS file I'm aware of is the starter one associated with the app page. I have edited that a little bit but reverted to and old version and still have this problem. (I have also ran it through some css verifier)

I can create a simple dumb test that just assertsNotNull and it runs without warning, but as soon as I start to add classes from my app (and just do simple notnull tests) I get flooded with the above. I know I'm giving you next to no useful information (I can supply my code if needed), but I was just wondering if there is anything I should be looking for. "Unable to parse date: -1", what would cause that? what are the numbers in the [brackets] in the CSS error, etc.

Again, the tests complete successfully, but these are rather annoying (and slow the tests down). I'm really just puzzled as to why these would show up here but not anywhere when running the real site.


I am having the same issue and found it was reported on google code: http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=4692

I tried the workaround you suggested, but that doesn't work for me.

Update: I removed the following line from my <project>.gwt.xml file and these warnings disappeared:<inherits name="com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard"/>