Hello all, I am trying to create a wizard like structure using dialog boxes...So I replaced the code in CDialog1App as below
CDialog1Dlg* dlg = new CDialog1Dlg;
m_pMainWnd = dlg;
the above worked fine...its displying the dialog box.but I have added another dialog box... So in the first dialog box if the user clicks Next it has to hide the first dialog box and display the second dialog..
//CDialog1 class
void CDialog1Dlg::OnBnClickedNext()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CDialog2* dialog2 = new CDialog2();
in the above code am creating an object for the Dialog2 class and trying to show that.... Now the problem is,when I click next its hiding both the windows..What can I do..I tried several types but its still its not workin..Please dont suggest me to do with PropertySheet..It will work with that, i know ...but I want this using Dialog Box for some reason