



I have a custom IResourceProvider implemented for SQL.

I store localized strings like this:

LANGUAGE_LABEL (id, url, type, name, culture_code, value)

I've created a helper which so I can go like:

Html.Resource("Common, Hi") //Global resources  ('Common' stored in `type`)
Html.Resource("Hi")         //Local resources   ('path_of_view.aspx' stored in `url`)

Is it possible (and if so, how) to create an ExpressionBuilder which takes the following syntax:

"ClassName, ClassId, PropertyName"

I understand that I need to expand the LANGUAGE_LABEL table with a field for the ID of every CustomClass which I would like to 'localize'.

I want to store/retrieve localized content for properties of custom business classes so I can retrieve them like so:

=Html.Resource("ClassName, " & object.Id & ", PropertyName"