I ran following script on different machine and got quite different results. The elapsed time.clock() is so large.
import time
start_clock = time.clock()
end_clock = time.clock()
print "Sleep Clock = ", str(end_clock - start_clock)
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time()
print "Sleep Time = ", str(end_time - start_time)
Instance (Windows Server 2008, X64):
Sleep Clock = 938.306471633
Sleep Time = 60.0119998455
Local Machine (Windows Vista, X86):
Sleep Clock = 59.9997987873
Sleep Time = 59.996999979
Following result really confused me:
Sleep Clock = 938.306471633
P.s: I have not tested on other X64 OSs. This Windows Server 2008 is a running Amazon Instance.