Hi guys,
I am new to stackoverflow (my first post) and regex. Currently i am working on a simple dirty app to replace baseclass properties with ctor injected fields. (cos i need to edit about 400 files)
It should find this:
ClassName(WiredObjectRegistry registry) : base(registry)
and replace with:
ClassName(IDependency paramName, ISecondDependency secondParam, ... )
_fieldName = paramName;
so i need to replace the two old lines with three or more new lines.
basically i was thinking:
find this ->
className + ctorParams + zero or more whitespaces + newline + zero or more whitespaces + {
replace with ->
className + newCtorParams + newline + { my field assignments
i tried this regex for .net
className + ctorParam + @"\w*" + "\r|\n" + @"\w*" + @"\{"
which does not replace the "{" and the whitespaces correctly
the replaced file content looks like this:
public CacheManager(ICallManager callManager, ITetraEventManager tetraEventManager, IConferenceManager conferenceManager, IAudioManager audioManager)
_callManager = callManager;
_tetraEventManager = tetraEventManager;
_conferenceManager = conferenceManager;
_audioManager = audioManager;
can u please help me with this :-|