



to clearify the question, I'd like to add that I'm not asking why I should choose readonly over const or what are the benefits of readonly over const.

I'm asking why to make a field readonly just because it's not changed (at the moment).

for example: if I'd write the following class:

public class MyClass
      public int _i = 5;

      // Code that doesn't change the value of i:

Resharper will indicate that it can be made readonly.


+8  A: 

When it detects that you are not assigning to a variable except at initilization, it presumes that you don't want the variable to change. Making the variable readonly (or const) will prevent you from assigning to the variable in the future. Since this seems (by usage) to be the behavior you want, it makes the suggestion that you formalize it and derive the benefit of the protection.

Anyone care to comment on the downvote? I'm always eager to learn when I may be wrong.
Seems clear Saulius down voted us both.
@Hogan: Saulius doesn't have any downvotes in his profile page. Just another muppet having a bad day I guess.
Hans Passant
@nobugz : wow good point -- I just assumed 'cuze we both got downvoted right after his comment. doh! Sorry @Saulius.
+1  A: 

Resharper is a tool, it can not see anything but the code you show it. If you plan to change the code in the future Resharper has no way of knowing -- so it makes suggestions based on your current code.

+1  A: 

Well, it's pretty obvious, that a variable that's never changed should be either const or read-only. The question which one of these is better depends on the situation. Const variables are by definition constant - their values should NEVER change (e.g. const int minutesInAnHour = 60; looks like a good candidate). That's why the constant is a static member implicitly and it is initialized during compile time, i.e. the compiler might actually replace all the appearances of your constant with the literal value, though I'm not sure if any compiler actually does that.

Readonly, on the other hand, is a member variable whose value should not change, once initialized, meaning that it is not actually a constant, you can do something in the lines of readonly DateTime time = DateTime.Now;. This, of course, will not be a static member, in fact it will be a normal member just with the restriction that it can't be changed once assigned. The benefit of this vs. const is that if your const variable changes in some build, other dependad libraries may not know that - they can even have the constant value comppiled in - you'll have to rebuild everything.

And as for the question why resharper suggests readonly vs. const - I'm not sure, I'd guess that a readonly variable is less restrictive and it figures that that's what the developer probably wanted.

+2  A: 

Resharper will indicate that it can be made readonly.

To add to other answers, note that you can change the severity of this inspection in ReSharper | Options | Code Inspection | Inspection Severity | Field can be made readonly. I have it as 'Show as suggestion'; you can ask ReSharper to ignore this inspection entirely, if you want.

+2  A: 

I usually try to remember1 to do what Resharper's trying to remind you to do. If I have any fields that are immutable, I like to mark them with readonly to formalize that. On many types, I do this will all the fields. There are benefits of immutability ([2] [3]), and Resharper is trying to help you take advantage of them.

1 I personally don't use Resharper. I have my reasons.

P Daddy
Help me understand: you try to remember to do what ReSharper's trying to remind you to do, but you don't personally use ReSharper. These two statements contradict each other.
John Saunders
I read his statement as "I agree to those rules R# gives you and try to follow them myself, although I don't use R# myself (anymore)".
Benjamin Podszun
@John Saunders: The "you" in my statement was literal, referring to the OP, not a substitute for the pronoun "one". If Resharper were reminding **me** of something, then I wouldn't exactly have to try to remember it myself.
P Daddy