I have a main menu window. On clicking any menu item it opens a child window using window.open? I am writing automated test script for this using Watin. How do i write Test script for the child windows.
The Watin.Core.IE class has a static AttatchToIE method you can use. It takes a Watin.Core.Constraint object as an argument (i.e. you have to use Find.ById, Find.ByName, etc.) to help Watin find the window you are looking for, and it returns a reference to an IE object.
IE myIE = IE.AttatchToIE(Find.ByTitle("Child Window Title"));
From there you can use the myIE object to run your tests, make sure it loads, make sure it has the expected text, etc.
2010-03-09 13:54:21
This worked IE myIE = IE.AttachTo<IE>(Find.ByTitle("Child Window Title"));
2010-03-09 14:14:36