



Even though im using CustomUnboundColumnData Event, im unable to store the value of Radio selection properly.

My Grid Has 3 Columns SelectColumn, Value1, Value2 where SelectColumn contains the RadioGroup.I would like to retain the value

of the selected Radio, because the selection disappears if i click a button or move to another tab.

What i've done so far is that, i have created a ArrayList ,and the values of selectcolumn is stored into the ArrayList in the load event.

Then After that CustomUnboundColumnData event is called and assign the values from the Arraylist during IsGetdata=true

After making a selection when IsSetData=true then , im updating the values in the Arraylist, and enumerate through the list, making sure that theres only 1 value which is true and others false for the radioselection.

Keep in mind, true is considered as false and false is considered true.

But its not working properly ?