



I tried to update some part of a matrix, I got the following error message:

??? Assignment has fewer non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts

My code tries to update some values of a matrix that represent a binary image. My code is as follows:

outImage(3:5,2:4,1) = max(imBinary(3:5,2:4,1));

When I delete last parameter (1), this time I get the same error. I guess there is a mismatch between dimensions but I could not get it. outImage is a new object that is created at that time (I tried to create it before, but nothing changed). What may be wrong?


Do you want to fill all indexed elements in outImage by maximum value for each column of rhs expression? You can expand the row you get on rhs with REPMAT:

outImage(3:5,2:4,1) = repmat(max(imBinary(3:5,2:4,1)),3,1)

outImage(3:5,2:4) works as well.

Thanks, but that is not what I want. After turning the image to binary I give up using max operation (it was necessary if I process gray-scale images). I use logical OR operation now. Thanks anyways.

On the rhs of your equation you take the max of a 3x3x1 sub-matrix, which returns a 1x3 vector. You then try to assign this to a 3x3x1 sub-matrix. A singleton subscript is one with the value 1. So the rhs has 1 non-singleton subscript, and the lhs has 2. Matlab can't figure out how to expand a 1x3 matrix to fill a 3x3x1 space.

I'm not entirely sure what you want to do, so I won't guess a solution. Do you want to make 3 copies of the rhs and put one into each row of the sub-matrix on the lhs ? Or are you trying to construct a 3x3x1 matrix on the rhs ?

High Performance Mark
I'm trying to write my own dilation method. As a warm-up, I tried to do take a 3x3 part of a matrix and assign the maximum value in that part to the whole values in that part. Thank you, your explanation is really helpful. I'm so new to MATLAB, I was confused at the basics. I could not have thought that max operation would give me a 1x3 matrix. I thought it would return a single value, but again, it won't do any good. I should think over it, thanks again.
+2  A: 

You mention in one of your comments on another answer that you are trying to create your own dilation algorithm, and therefore want to take the maximum value in a 3-by-3-by-1 submatrix and replace the values in that submatrix with the maximum value. The function MAX will by default operate along the columns of your submatrix, which will give you a 1-by-3 matrix (i.e. the maximum values of the columns of your 3-by-3-by-1 matrix). The error results because MATLAB can't assign a 1-by-3 matrix to a 3-by-3-by-1 matrix.

One solution is to call MAX again on your 1-by-3 matrix to get a scalar value, which you can then assign to each element of your 3-by-3-by-1 submatrix without error:

outImage(3:5,2:4,1) = max(max(imBinary(3:5,2:4,1)));
Exactly.By the way, if you think of doing this in 3D in the future, I'd first read the sub-image into a temporary variable, and then do max(tmp(:)). Thus, you won't have to worry about dimensionality.

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