I'm trying to create a grammar for multiplying and dividing numbers in which the '*' symbol does not need to be included. I need it to output an AST. So for input like this:
1 2 / 3 4
I want the AST to be
(* (/ (* 1 2) 3) 4)
I've hit upon the following, which uses java code to create the appropriate nodes:
grammar TestProd;
options {
output = AST;
tokens {
DIV : '/';
multExpr: (INTEGER -> INTEGER)
( {div = null;}
^({$div == null ? (Object)adaptor.create(PROD, "*") : (Object)adaptor.create(DIV, "/")}
$multExpr $b))*
INTEGER: ('0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'*);
WHITESPACE: (' ' | '\t')+ { $channel = HIDDEN; };
This works. But is there a better/simpler way?