



I am interested in making a plugin for FlashDevelop to add support for another language. I am not too sure where I should start. So any starting points, hint, tips, or advice would go down well.

There is a Plugin Development article on the FlashDevelop Wiki, but the section about adding support for new languages is just a "TODO". So this is less than helpful.

I guess there are a number of parts to "supporting" a language in FlashDevelop. Here is my list, but feel free to tell me if I've missed something:

  • Code Completion
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Should appear in the "New Project" menu as a Template
  • Should add file type/template to the "Add->New" menu
  • Add the new project filetype (e.g. .as3proj, .as3proj, .hxproj).

So how do I do all of these things? Where do I even start? Are there any good resources, documentation, or basic examples to follow? Can all of this (including the project templates) be done inside one plugin?