



I'm working on my first 'real' F# assembly, and trying to do things right.

I've managed to get xUnit working too, but currently my test module is inside the same assembly. This bothers me a bit, because it means I'll be shipping an assembly where nearly half the code (and 80% of the API) is test methods.

What is the 'right' way to do this? If I put the tests in another assembly, I think that means I have to expose internals that I'd rather keep private.

I know that in C# there is a friend mechanism for tests (if that's the right terminology), is there an equivalent in F#?

Alternatively, can anyone point me to an example project where this is being done 'properly'?

+3  A: 

you could use the InternalsVisibleTo-Attribute to expose your internals to some other assembly.


If your assembly is signed, you will also need to sign the Friend assembly, and provide the public key in the InternalsVisibleTo attribute:

[<assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ProcessorTests, PublicKey=0024000004800...)")>]
Can't get the compiler to accept concatenated string for my PublicKey though - makes things a bit ugly, but appears to work all the same.

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