




How to check if two CSS files for same classes existence, automatically.


There is no automatic way to do that as far as I know, but I would suggest that you use some kind of comparing tool, like BeyondCompare. It gives you a great insight of differences between two files.

Marcos Placona
ya i just thought there should be some other way, Thanks for the clarifications.
+2  A: 

You can use a css/html/js debugger as Firebug for Firefox.

When inspecting a specific element of a html page, the debugger shows all style properties applied to the element, why they're applied (class, id, tag, inherited) and from which css file the properties are coming.

Thibault Falise
Hi It shows only for a Specific element, but i want to know in one shot what are all the classes common across two different CSS files, so that i will try to rename the classes and avoid unnecessary GUI distortions