




I'm looking to integrate a bunch of RSS/ATOM sources into a feed for our intranet. This is outside my usual realm of work so I've had very limited exposure to this.

I'd like to integrate all the feeds into a single reader such that all the news items are in chronological release order.

Is this doable? Do I need a special component? Or can I make the ASP.NET integrated components do all this simply enough?

+2  A: 

You could use Yahoo Pipes to create a feed that merges multiple feeds.

Greg Martin
I was just pondering a similar idea using Google Reader to subscribe to all the feeds and then just subscribing to the reader actually.
Yeah, that would work too. Pipes gives you more control if you wanted to do any processing on those feeds before generating your aggregate feed.
Greg Martin
+1  A: 

You can use the classes in the System.ServiceModel.Syndication namespace to read, write, and merge RSS feeds.

Thanks, I'm just checking this out now