Generally speaking you work with Date-objects in javascript, and these should be constructed with the following syntax:
var myDate = new Date(yearno, monthno-1, dayno);
//you could put hour, minute, second and milliseconds in this too
Beware, the month-part is an index, so january is 0, february is 1 and december is 11 !-)
Then you can pull out anything you want, the .getTime() thing returns number of milliseconds since start of Unix-age, 1/1 1970 00:00, så this value you could subtract and then look if that value is greater than what you want:
//today (right now !-) can be constructed by an empty constructor
var today = new Date();
var olddate = new Date(2008,9,2);
var diff = today.getTime() - olddate.getTime();
var diffInDays = diff/(1000*60*60*24);//24 hours of 60 minutes of 60 second of 1000 milliseconds
This will return a decimal number, so probably you'll want to look at the integer-value: