



I'm always interested in learning the inner working of things. I started with C programming and then learnt Operating systems (from stallings) and then linkers & loaders and then assembly language after reading these now I want to go into little more depth.

Computer Architecture. I feel that makes everything clear. As per SO archives these are the two good books:

  1. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition ~ David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy

  2. Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th Edition, ~ David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy

But I've browsed through the contents of these books and found that they don't exactly meet my needs.

  • I want to learn more about caches, Memory Management Unit , mapping b/w virtual memory & physical memory
  • I'm no way interested in other ISAs like MIPS etc.. I'm IA32 and X86-64 fan and I want to stick to it.
  • I'm not a hardware developer I don't want to details like circuit diagrams or How is L1, L2 & L3 caches are implemented?
  • I want to know the parallel processing technologies like HyperThreading at the architecture level but again I don't want to design them.
  • I liked the table of Contents of - Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition but Quantitave Approach? Seriously??
  • I want to know the details of current technologies and I dont want to spend reading 200 pages of outdated old technologies ( I experienced this while learning ASM}


Though this books has low ratings on amazon & though it doesn't contain information worth of 65$. I found this book very very helpful.

Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design ~ Sivarama P. Dandamudi - 1 edition (2003)


OK, I know it's quite old, out of print and not what you asked for, but I strongly recommend The Magic Garden Explained: The Internals of Unix System V Release 4 as a key book for understanding how a classic operating system works.


I want to learn more about caches, Memory Management Unit , mapping b/w virtual memory & physical memory. m IA32 and X86-64 fan and I want to stick to it.

You should check whats in there for you:


It sounds like you are looking for a book on operating systems not computer architecture. Virtual memory should be covered operating system books along with memory management units. If you are interested how caches function, instruction pipelining, branch prediction, and parallel processing then the books you listed are perfect.
