



Hi everyone, I've been struggling on this thing for a week without being able to find what I'm looking for.

Here is what I'd like to do:

I'm setting up a wiki where I can post all my knowledge to (yes, I know a couple things :p) but I can't render it the way I'd like to. The bodies of my posts are text fields. In order to render them the right way I run the following command:

@post.body.gsub("\n", "<br />")

I also have some tags with some code inside that looks like this < code> my code < /code>.

Here come's the issue. Every line between the < code> and < /code> tags are changed to
but it doesn'r render properly since I'm using a code render template.

Therefore, I'd like to know if there is a way to change all \n to < br /> except for those between < code> and < /code>

Thank you everyone for reading this and helping me out.

PS: Please do not consider the spaces after the < in each tag. I had to do this to "espace" them.



simple_format will replace your \n to
and double \n\n to < p>< /p>

And here is a helper method for your problem

def text_format(text)
  reg = /(<code>[.|\W|\w]+<\/code>)/
  text.split(reg).map{|t| t =~ reg ? t : t.gsub(/\n/, "<br />") }.join()

text = 'Hello pedro!

        Here is my code:

          def text_format(text)
            reg = /(<code>[.|\W|\w]+<\/code>)/
            text.split(reg).map{|t| t =~ reg ? t : t.gsub(/\n/, "<br />") }.join()

        Good luck!'

text_format text
#=> "Hello pedro!<br /><br />Here is my code:<br /><br /><code>\n  def text_format(text)\n    reg = /(<code>[.|\\W|\\w]+<\\/code>)/\n    text.split(reg).map{|t| t =~ reg ? t.gsub(/\\n/, "<br />") : t }.join()\n  end\n</code><br /><br />Good luck!"
Okay,this helper is nice but it's actually not solving my problem since it's inserting br> tags between <code> and </code> and rendering my code snippets with br> tags in front of each line.Does that make sense?
Julien P.
ok, I've added helper method in my comment
Amazing,it's working like a charm.I just need to understand the whole code now :-)
Julien P.