I need to get a range of pages using AJAX and put them into an array, where their given place in the array is equal to the i
of a for loop (it's a caching-like function for blog pages, and the range of the for loop is entirely variable). I'm doing something akin to the following:
var bongo = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: http://localhost, data: queryString, success: function(request) { bongo[i] = request } })
The problem is, that unless I add async: false
to the .ajax options (which would make it... SJAX?), which causes the requests to basically pause the browser, going against what I'm trying to do, the i in the success callback will always end up being 11, whereas I of course want it to pour the returned data into each slot of the array from 0 to 10.
I've tried replacing the line with this:
bongo[i] = jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: http://localhost, data: queryString }).responseText
But that made no difference.