



Hello Guys, I'm using this plugin to create a mail attach system, but it is failing to execute on IE7.

Here's my code:

    var id ="#"+$(this).parent().parent().attr("id");
    $(id + ' #attach').MultiFile({
        onFileAppend: function(element, value, master_element){ 
        $("#"+id + ' .attach-list').append('<li>onFileAppend - '+value+'</li>') 
        var options = { 
            url:       '/setAttach',         // override for form's 'action' attribute 
            type:      'POST'        // 'get' or 'post', override for form's 'method' attribute 

        // bind to the form's submit event 
        $("#"+id + ' #uploadForm').submit(function() {


           return false; 
    afterFileAppend: function(element, value, master_element){ 
     $("#"+id + ' #uploadForm').submit();

This event is fired when user clicks hover a link to attach files. Any clues for what I'm doing wrong?



cmedeiros, I'm the developer of the plugin in question. What do you expect to happen? And what do you see instead?

I know you said it fails to execute, but at which point?

Hi Diego, It didn't bind the plugin to my element, I load MultFile at the time I create my input in the DOM, but it didn't bind it to my element. It works fine on IE8, but not in IE7. Also, I tested your examples at IE7 and everything worked fine. I think it's something on my application, that it's not allowing MultiFile to be attached through jquery .live() method. Thank you for your attention.
In your code you say...$(id + ' #attach').MultiFile({Can you verify that $(id + ' #attach') exists at that point?

I found a solution, first create the element in the DOM, then bind MultiFile to it, and in the end append it to the screen:

var e = $("<div id=\""+id+"\" class=\"inner-center compose hidden\">"+$("#form").html()+"</div>");

$('#attach',e).MultiFile({ ... ACTIONS ... });


Worked very well.
