



Hello Friends,

I want to make Windows Service in .NET which has to run on Windows Server 2003, 2008. The main functionalities i need are:

As soon as a network user logs in, Display his:

  1. User name in Active Directory
  2. Domain
  3. Ip Address from where he connected

I do not want to install or run any program/script on the client machine.

Any help on how to go about developing this will be greatly appreciated. i saw some articles explaining this using the System.Environment namespace and some others but they only shed light for the local logged on user.


Assuming you can use .NET 3.5, have a look at the System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory namespace. The classes in there should provide a good starting point for you.

Steve Danner
The first motive is to log the network login event and fetch the username and ip address of the remote machine. I dont see any such function in this namespace.