



I am using JQuery with the DataTable plugin, and now I have a big performnce issue on the following line.

aLocalData[jInner] = nTds[j].innerHTML; // jquery.dataTables.js:2220

I have a ajax call, and result string in HTML format. I convert them into HTML nodes, and that part is ok.

var $result = $('<div/>').html(result).find("*:first");
// simlar to $result=$(result) but much more faster in Fx

Then I activate enable the result from a plain table to a sortable datatable. The speed is acceptable in Fx (around 4sec for 900 rows), but unacceptable in IE8 (more then 100 seconds).

I check it deep using the buildin profiler, and found the above single line take all 99.9% of the time, how can I speed it up? anything I missed?

            nTrs = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].childNodes;
            for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
                if ( nTrs[i].nodeName == "TR" )
                    iThisIndex = oSettings.aoData.length;
                    oSettings.aoData.push( {
                        "nTr": nTrs[i],
                        "_iId": oSettings.iNextId++,
                        "_aData": [],
                        "_anHidden": [],
                        "_sRowStripe": ''
                    } );

                    oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iThisIndex );

                    aLocalData = oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex]._aData;
                    nTds = nTrs[i].childNodes;
                    jInner = 0;

                    for ( j=0, jLen=nTds.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
                        if ( nTds[j].nodeName == "TD" )
                            aLocalData[jInner] = nTds[j].innerHTML; // jquery.dataTables.js:2220

+1  A: 

I've apply my own patch but still looking for a real solution, it is still very slow in IE (10+ sec) but acceptable.

I read innerHTML once a row and split my own.

                    // For whom in interest
                    // Tested on IE8, Fx3.5
                    aLocalData = oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex]._aData;
                    jInner = 0;
                    if(nTrs[i].getElementsByTagName('table').length == 0){
                        nTds =$.trim(nTrs[i].innerHTML).split(/<\/td>\s*/i);
                        for(j=0, jLen=nTds.length; j<jLen; j++){
                    nTds = nTrs[i].childNodes;

If anyone know why innerHTML are slow, please let me know.

Dennis Cheung
+4  A: 

Try using the YUI DataTable. It is very quick for any large table that I throw it at. You can use it with JQuery without any issues.

For example:

Paul Tarjan
Great page you have there. I just gave the link to couple of friends. Will come in handy during upgrades.
I have few tables, with various size, looks normal within page. They have no scrollbar, but keep their header visible on scroll.I am using FixedHeader plugin with jquery-datatable. Is there something do the same with yui-datatable?e.g. When the table is within the screen, looks normal.When the table is partialy on the screen, a header remain visible.When the table is outside the screen, no addition header.
Dennis Cheung
There is something that is close, and a little more "HTML-ish". Just use a ScrollingDataTable instead : . See it live
Paul Tarjan
@Paul Tarjan, I had look on the example, however, it is not the effect I am looking for.
Dennis Cheung
Your call. I'd go with something that works now, and then tweak the UI later.
Paul Tarjan
+1  A: 

A table with 10 columns and 900 rows will call the innerHTML function for 9000 times. Instead append the innerHTML contents to an array and call innerHTML only once at end of the table.

Something like:

var contentArray = ["","","Cell Content","",""];

This way the innerHTML is called only once in the table build process. If not you could call innerHTML at end of each row bringing down the number of times you call innerHTML to 900.

The code came from jquery-datatable which already support both Html table and AJAX as datasource.
Dennis Cheung
+1  A: 

Did you ever consider using XML Data Island for this? This is a little bit tricky, but works pretty fast. Here's how you can bind HTML table to XML Data Island:

(in the island you can load data from remote source, so it's like Ajax).
