




alt text

From the above picture, I have 3 CSS classes() for using in this layout.

parent for Black box class

   width: 1000px;
   height: 90px;

big for Red box class

   width: 200px;
   height: 90px;

small forYellow box class

   width: 200px;
   height: 30px;

HTML for Figure 1 should be like this.

<div class="parent">
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>

And HTML for Figure 2 should be like this.

<div class="parent">
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="big"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>
   <div class="small"></div>

Is it possible to create pure CSS class for solving this problem without modify any tag in HTML?



Yes, if you are certain of all the dimensions (i.e. they don't need to adjust dynamically based on their content), this is all very simple using absolute positioning:

.parent > * {
  position: absolute;

.big {
  top: 0;

.big + .big {
  left: 200px;

.big + .small {
  top: 0;

.big + .big + .small {
  left: 400px;

.big + .big + .small + .small {
  top: 30px;
  left: 400px;

.big + .big + .small + .small + .small {
  top: 60px;
  left: 400px;

.small + .big {
  left: 600px;

.small + .big + .small {
  left: 800px;

.small + .big + .small + .small {
  top: 30px;
  left: 800px;

But I don't recommend it as a robust solution in most cases. If you have a little more control of the HTML, and can add some containing divs around your .smalls, you could do something much more robust and flexible using floats.

Eric Meyer
I think you miss understand my question. I do not want to fix position of any box from my figure 1 + 2 are just example for using this style. Therefore, it is possible to move small box to first position or move big box to last position.