



I can't seem to figure out how to correctly select a Multi Select option by the Value and leave the other options that are selected alone.

Update It does work, thanks! I had the multi-select hidden and I thought firebug would update the option to "selected" but it doesn't. When I "show" the multi-select box after setting the attr to selected, it was selected. So that was also part of my problem, what firebug was showing me behind the scene.

+4  A: 

To select an individual option, leaving the rest alone:

$("#selectID option[value='" + myValue + "']").attr('selected', 'selected');

Or, alternatively since .val() returns an Array in the multiselect case:

var vals = $("#selectID").val();
Nick Craver
+1 for the `.val()` solution
It does work, thanks! I had the multi-select hidden and I thought firebug would update the option to "selected" but it doesn't. When I "show" the box after setting the attr, it was selected. So that was also part of my problem, what firebug was showing me behind the scene.
@gnarf - I agree that .val() solution will be very handy!