



Are there anyone who can help me out on how to connect a codeigniter-application with couchDB?

I have tried to find drivers or libraries, but without any success. What can I do to make it work?


+2  A: 

Well, CodeIgniter just means PHP -- which means that any library that's written in PHP should do the trick, even if it's not specifically written for, or part of, CodeIgniter.

For a list of PHP libraries to communicate with CouchDb, you might want to take a look at this page of the official CouchDb's wiki : Getting started with PHP

Everything that's said there should work fine with CodeIgniter -- I don't see why it wouldn't.

Of course, you could also write your own communication layer -- shouldn't be that hard, as it only means a couple of REST requests...

... But I wouldn't do that, if I were you : using a well-known library means you'll be using code that's already been tested and fixed -- which means less risks of bugs, and less maintenance work for you.

Thanks Martin! You're the man! Do you know if there's any web interfaces available for couch that does what phpmyadmin does for mysql?
Found out Futon now. Thanks again!
Glad you found a solution :-) *(I would not have been able to answer to that question ^^ )*
+1  A: 

I don't seem to be able to comment on answers (which I would do if I could; this is a bit much for answering a question made in a comment to an answer)

I think CouchDB comes with a web interface that you can access it (on ubuntu linux anyway) by pointing your browser to http://localhost:5984/_utils/

Thanks! Will check it out when I run CouchDB again in my test environment!
You're very welcome!