most sites show the syntax as applying list-style:none
to the <li>
but i've seen some tutorial sites (like this one) that apply list-style:none
to the <ul>
which one is the 'correct' way? any thoughts? thanx.
most sites show the syntax as applying list-style:none
to the <li>
but i've seen some tutorial sites (like this one) that apply list-style:none
to the <ul>
which one is the 'correct' way? any thoughts? thanx.
According to the W3C CSS2 reference,
Inheritance will transfer the 'list-style' values from OL and UL elements to LI elements. This is the recommended way to specify list style information.
A version of the spec is here:
The W3C CSS spec says the following:
"list-style-type" Applies to: elements with 'display' value 'list-item'
so by default, your LI elements.
As not having a list style is generally more common that having a list style, I personally apply it to both in a global reset at the top of my stylesheet.