I use a hierarchical taxonomy with taxonomy menu and want to add to my view a simple link to the form for adding mynodetype "in this directory"=with this term lineage. (up to 4 terms)
outside of drupal one would put a hidden form field.... what would be a good and drupalish way to accomplish this ? Do i need an own .tpl.php ?
First I tried autopopulate, but it seems to behave not well with the hierarchical select ajax which is no surprise imo. Then i decided that this might be a feature i could add lateron, more important is just the fix assertion of terms to the node.
I use current drupal-6, cck, views. I tried a bit themeing yet and am quite familiar with php, but haven't done any module coding yet, but like to dive into it. Just btw fyi.
My goal is a DMS for my company, the documents arent changing very often, but we need fine grained permissions, so i decided for TAC and make the folder structure by taxonomy.
regards, florian