I have an application that writes many times to a formula/macro-laden workbook. It loops through some data 3 times creating, filling, saving, then closing an excel file in each iteration. While it works fine when it's the only version of itself running, if there are multiple instances of it running it has trouble.
Specifically, I'm getting a 0x800AC472 error when writing data to certain cells. It isn't the same cell or value each time but it has seemed to be on the second pass through each time. This is the relevant code:
public void SetCellValue(int row, int col, string val)
if (_currWorkSheet != null)
string parms = string.Format("row={0}; col={1}; val={2}", row.ToString(), col.ToString(), val);
for (short i = 0; i < _maxRetries; i++)
try { (_currWorkSheet.Cells[row, col] as Range).Value2 = val; return; }
catch (Exception ex) { HandleError(ex, parms); }
Exception newExc = new Exception("Too many retries attempting to set cell value.");
newExc.Data.Add("parms", parms);
throw newExc;
private void HandleError(Exception exc, string parms)
if (exc != null && exc.Message != null)
// Excel error that just needs more time to complete. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/vsto/thread/9168f9f2-e5bc-4535-8d7d-4e374ab8ff09/
if (exc.Message.Contains("0x800AC472"))
Thread.Sleep(_threadSleepMs); // Give excel a chance to catch up, then keep processing.
Exception newExc = new Exception("Unexpected Error", exc);
newExc.Data.Add("parms", parms);
throw newExc;
I've set the _maxRetries to 10 and the _threadSleepMs to 500 and continue to get the error, so I don't think that increasing it anymore makes sense.
I was wondering if there are alternatives to sleeping the thread to give it a chance to get "unstuck" as it were.
And maybe this would qualify as a second question but I'm not as concerned about this but, when it crashes I still perform a Close() on it in the finally block, but I still have instances of it hanging around. This is how I close it:
public void Dispose()
if (!_disposed)
if (_currWorkBook != null)
for (short i = 0; i < _maxRetries; i++)
try { _currWorkBook.Close(false, _missing, _missing); break; }
catch (Exception ex) { HandleError(ex, ""); }
if (_app != null)
if (_app.Workbooks != null)
for (short i = 0; i < _maxRetries; i++)
try { _app.Workbooks.Close(); break; }
catch (Exception ex) { HandleError(ex, ""); }
for (short i = 0; i < _maxRetries; i++)
try { _app.Quit(); break; }
catch (Exception ex) { HandleError(ex, ""); }
if (_currWorkSheet != null)
_currWorkSheet = null;
if (_currWorkBook != null)
_currWorkBook = null;
_app = null;
_disposed = true;
It doesn't throw and error, so I was just wondering if there were any holes in it?
Thank you, Jeff